
  • Gene networks and heart failure

    A Stanford-led research team has mapped out a network of gene activity before and after heart failure to better understand how heart health declines.

  • Increasing diversity in genome studies

    Data scientist Genevieve Wojcik speaks about the lack of diversity in genomewide association studies, why it’s a problem and how increasing diversity in these studies can elevate the entire population.

  • Using RNA for rare-disease diagnosis

    Geneticist Stephen Montgomery explains why the transcriptome, the collection of RNA molecules in a cell, is a crucial piece of deciphering the source of rare diseases.

  • Revealing health through big data

    Years-long tracking of individuals’ biology helped define what it meant for them to be healthy and showed how changes from the norm could signal disease, a Stanford-led study reports.

  • Helping with NASA twins study

    Stanford scientists and their collaborators found markers of immune-related stress and other molecular changes in the body of NASA astronaut Scott Kelly.

  • Possible ‘bubble boy’ disease therapy

    In preclinical trials, Stanford scientists and their collaborators harnessed the gene-editing system CRISPR-Cas9 to replace the mutated gene underpinning the devastating immune disease.

  • Ovarian cancer mutations undertested

    A large study of women with breast and ovarian cancer has revealed significant gaps between national guidelines for genetic testing and actual testing practices, according to researchers from Stanford and five other institutions.

  • Metabolic profiles of kids

    Researchers from throughout Stanford Medicine are planning to study thousands of metabolites in babies, children and pregnant women to understand the origins of disease.

  • Puzzle of mutated gene in Parkinson’s

    Why a defective gene is tied so strongly to Parkinson’s disease has baffled researchers. Now, a study led by Stanford scientists appears to have pieced together a major part of the puzzle.

  • DNA folding key to cell differentiation

    In trying to decipher the “DNA origami” responsible for the generation of transplantable human skin, Stanford researchers have uncovered a master regulatory hierarchy controlling tissue differentiation.

  • Grant funds cell mapping of colon

    Stanford scientists will map the cells of the human colon as part of a larger effort funded by the National Institutes of Health to create an atlas of all the cells in human tissues.

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