
  • Psychiatrist Herbert Leiderman dies

    Leiderman led groundbreaking research into infant and child development that helped change the way the world viewed newborns.

  • Jack Remington dies at 90

    The Stanford physician devised a test that saved babies’ lives by showing whether they needed immediate treatment for a parasitic disease called toxoplasmosis.

  • Biochemist Robert Baldwin dies at 93

    Baldwin propelled leaps in scientists’ understanding of how proteins assemble themselves into the three-dimensional shapes that are essential to their function.

  • Bioethicist Ernlé Young dies at 88

    An anti-apartheid activist, humanitarian, theologian, scholar, outdoorsman and skilled woodworker, Young co-founded the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics.

  • Cardiologist William Hancock dies at 93

    During his long career at Stanford and into retirement, Hancock advanced techniques used to interpret electrocardiograms, recordings of the heart’s electrical signals.

  • Pathologist Jon Kosek dies at 90

    An outdoor enthusiast, bicyclist and founder of a Christmas tree farm, Kosek was a staff pathologist at the VA Palo Alto Heath Care System for nearly 45 years, mentoring hundreds of residents and students.

  • HIV/AIDS researcher David Katzenstein dies

    The Stanford virologist conducted clinical vaccine trials, which led to the approval of antiretroviral drugs, greatly improving the survival of people living with HIV…

  • Jared Tinklenberg dies at 80

    The founder of the Stanford/Veterans Affairs Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Tinklenberg researched new medications for dementia while providing mentorship to many.

  • Anatomist John Gosling dies at 81

    Gosling was the co-author of a popular anatomy textbook and a specialist in the neuroscience of the genitourinary system.

  • Sanjiv Sam Gambhir dies at 57

    The professor and chair of radiology at Stanford was a global leader in advancing techniques for molecular imaging and early cancer detection.

  • Biochemist Dale Kaiser dies

    Using a virus as an experimental system, Kaiser made fundamental discoveries that were instrumental in ushering in the era of recombinant DNA technology, often known as gene splicing.