
  • Virtual reality helps surgery

    Gina Milner’s successful surgery, the first at Packard Children’s to use the new imaging technology, is one of many examples of how virtual-reality techniques are now helping patients.

  • Stanford Medicine focuses on diagnostics

    Researchers in the field of diagnostics are taking advantage of advances in biomedical research, engineering and computer technology to make diagnostics more informative and less invasive.

  • The way of the nanoparticle

    A growing field called nanotechnology is allowing researchers to manipulate molecules and structures much smaller than a single cell to enhance our ability to see, monitor and destroy cancer cells in the body.

  • Mom’s voice lights up kids' brains

    A far wider swath of brain areas is activated when children hear their mothers than when they hear other voices, and this brain response predicts a child’s social communication ability, a new study finds.

  • Radiologist Gerald Friedland dies

    The former chief of the Veterans Affairs medical center in Palo Alto was remembered as a hard-working, generous mentor to generations of medical residents, and a caring husband and father.

  • Scientists see under the skin

    A team of scientists has developed the first technique for viewing cells and tissues in three dimensions under the skin. The work could improve diagnosis and treatment for some forms of cancer and blindness.

  • 3,200-year-old woman comes to Stanford

    A San Francisco museum brought an ancient mummy to the School of Medicine for a set of CT scans to learn more about the person beneath the bandages.

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